
This page contains links to the online tools, videos and handouts used at our events. All materials are made available under the Creative Commons License - Attribution-ShareAlike.

3D Printing

AIY Vision Day Camp

Artistic Math

Augmented Reality

Beauty of Fractals

Biometrics with the MicroBit


Build your own Voice App

Cartoons from Scratch

Circuits and Microcontrollers

Computer Simulations for Science

Computer Vision with the HuskyLens

Code some Chords

Coding with Swift

Computer Art


Creating a Musical Glove

Crowd Sourcing

Custom Maps

Cyber Security Basics

Dancing with AI

Data Mining QuickDraw Doodles


Exercise with the MicroBit

Finding Data Fast with Databases

Foldscope Exploration

Forking, Cloning & Creating a Website with Git/GitHub

Fun with Algorithms

Fun with the MicroBit

Game Physics


Internet of Things

Introduction VR

Introduction to JavaScript

Introduction to Python

Machine Learning

Magic of Binary

Making a Website using HTML and CSS

Making Video Games

Mars Explorer

Musical Glove

Materials! Solving the Puzzle from the Bottom Up 

Object Oriented Programming in Python

Photo Editing


Robots - MicroBit Edition

Smart Apps

Smart Trains


Text Mining

Where Do Emojis Come From?

You can code